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SPECIAL 2 CD OFFER - the July 4th and July 18th CDs, both for $25
For those who were unable to join us on July 4th, an audio CD is now available:
Ashtar speaking about bubbles and freedom, from Ashtar Teleconference July 4, 2006
".. Now a word about  the significance of this particular birthday.  It’s all about Freedom this time.   It’s all about liftoff.  We mentioned bubbles for those of you, who care to join in the celebrations.


"The Fireworks are lovely, but just remember this, each and every one of you outshines the brightest of fireworks.  So if you want to enjoy the lights of the fireworks, by all means do so, but we ask that you to blow a few bubbles first.  And what the bubbles signify is just what we said a while ago.


"'Beam me up Scotty', but you’re free to do it without Scotty.   You don’t need any devices to ascend.  Now you can use devices to increase the frequencies, or balance the frequencies of your beloved bodies, by all means do so.  But the actual ascension process, you don’t need anything except your beautiful selves, because you have the power within you.   


"You have had the power always, but you have, shall we say, turned off the  motors, or the rockets, in order to do your missions, here and elsewhere.  You had to go through all of the experiences that you’ve had, in order to understand how precious, how joyful this freedom is, that you’re now reclaiming."


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.


To order the CD* from this empowering teleconference go to:

http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/3110977.htm and choose the July 4 date from the date selection to pay by credit card or paypal.


Or mail $15 to :  Ashtar On The Road,  PO Box 13082,  Olympia WA 98508-3082

and give us you mailing address.  Please allow two weeks for delivery.


*If you prefer,  we can email you the mp3 audio to play on your computer media player:  http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/2378379.htm